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How to get noticed at work?

You don’t always have to leave your job to move up the career ladder; sometimes, you just need to show your current employer that you’re skilled and ambitious. This guide provides advice on what you can do to raise your internal profile.

Work outside of your team

Obviously, you have commitments within your own department and team that have to be your daily priorities. But, when the opportunities arise, try to get involved with projects that take you into other areas of the business. Unless you’re in a start-up or a small company, it’s often difficult to show the leaders of your business your unique skills. So, be proactive and volunteer for work that demonstrates your ability to those yet to see it.

Learn outside of work

Sometimes, the skills you need to progress are only obtainable outside of work.

Your company may be able to support relevant study, or even offer study leave, but this is rarely something they’re obligated to do. You may need to take the initiative and study part-time.

There is a huge range of options available that include distance learning as well as evening and weekend classes to suit your lifestyle. Many institutions offer payment plans, while a number of online courses are very affordable.

Understand your strengths

Emphasising whatever is great about you can be undermined if you’re not sure of your foremost skills and strengths. Speak to people you trust, in and outside the business, about what you’re particularly good at. If there are gaps in your business requiring certain skills, while it’s tempting to jump straight into them, you first need to evaluate your ability.

Use your appraisal effectively

Appraisals provide the ideal situation for you to discuss your future and your progression within the company. Prepare for it by planning everything you’d like to ask and all the things you’d like to achieve. Also try to bring lots of evidence of what you’ve achieved and any positive feedback you’ve had. And during the appraisal, ask for clear and constructive feedback on what you need to do to progress and raise your profile within the company. Showing ambition and an eagerness to develop will be valuable in itself.